
Alessandro Bezzi

Senior Partner

Mag. phil; studied Archaeological Research Methodology at the University of Pauda (IT).
Co-founder of Arc-Team Ltd in 2005.
Professional interests: Field Archaeology, Excavations, Digital Documentation Methods, Photogrammentry and GIS, Geophisical Survey, Free & Open Source Applications in Archaeology, Aerial Drones.

Luca Bezzi

Senior Partner

Mag. phil; studied Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology at the University of Pauda (IT).
Co-founder of Arc-Team Ltd in 2005.
Professional interests: Field Archaeology, Excavations, Underwater Archaeology, Open Hardware, Aerial Drones, 3d Modelling, Digital Documentation Methods, Free & Open Source Applications in Archaeology.

Rupert Gietl

Senior Partner

Mag. phil; studied Classical Archaeology and History at the Universities of Vienna (AT) and Mainz (DE).
Co-founder of Arc-Team Ltd in 2005.
Professional interests: Alpine Archaeology, Conflict Archaeology, Aerial Drones, REmote Sensing, Digital Documentation Methods, Free & Open Source Applications in Archaeology.

Giuseppe Naponiello

Senior Partner

Mag. phil; studied Medieval Archaeology at the University of Pisa (IT).
Joined Arc-Team Ltd in 2012.
Professional interests: Field Archaeology, Physical Antropology, Source Code Development, WebGIS, Database Management System, Digital Documentation Methods, Free & Open Source Applications in Archaeology.

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